Simplified Remote Control Learning
Functions of your devices can be learned onto your
Kenwood remote control and is handy in the
following situations:
a. The remote control does not contain a code or
appropriate code to control your device
b. The Code that has been inputted has limited
functionality and you need to add functions to
the Kenwood remote control.
In either of these situations, please follow these
1. Place the 2 remote controls on a table with the
Infra Red Transmitters pointed at each other
2. Press the LEARN Key
3. Select the input corresponding to the device
that you are programming ie. DVD
4. Select the key on the Kenwood Remote control
that you want to learn...IE. Play function of
your DVD Player
5. The Remote will say WAIT
6. Press the corresponding key of the devices
remote (Make sure that it is transmitting into
the front of the Kenwood Remote Control)
7. The Remote will say OK if the function is
learned. If the remote control says AGAIN,
please repeat STEP 6.
8. Continue to program other functions from your
devices remote onto the Kenwood remote
using Steps 1 Thru 8