PIONEER S-FCR02/XJI/CN Service Manual

Cover page of PIONEER S-FCR02/XJI/CN Service Manual

Service Manual for PIONEER S-FCR02/XJI/CN, downloadable as a PDF file.

We also have owner's manual to this model.

Manual details

  • Immediate download after payment.
  • Delivered as a PDF file.
  • The manual has 4 pages
  • File size: 0.11 MB
  • Available language versions: English
  • Different language versions may vary sligthly in file size and page count.

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  • the manual includes circuit diagrams,
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PIONEER CORPORATION 4-1, Meguro 1-chome, Meguro-ku, Tokyo 153-8654, Japan
PIONEER ELECTRONICS (USA) INC. P.O. Box 1760, Long Beach, CA 90801-1760, U.S.A.
PIONEER EUROPE NV Haven 1087, Keetberglaan 1, 9120 Melsele, Belgium
PIONEER ELECTRONICS ASIACENTRE PTE. LTD. 253 Alexandra Road, #04-01, Singapore 159936
T ­ ZZP OCT. 2003 Printed in Japan
This service manual is intended for qualified service technicians; it is not meant for the
casual do-it-yourselfer. Qualified technicians have the necessary test equipment and
tools, and have been trained to properly and safely repair complex products such as
those covered by this manual.
Improperly performed repairs can adversely affect the safety and reliability
of the product and may void the warranty. If you are not qualified to perform the repair
of this product properly and safely, you should not risk trying to do so and refer the
repair to a qualified service technician.
( Center Speaker )
The loudspeaker is attached to the cabinet by 6 external screws.
To detach it, unfasten those screws.
When replacing the loudspeaker, make sure it is positioned so
that the wire terminals are oriented at the opposite side from the
Pioneer logo on the grill, then secure it with the 6 screws pro-
Make sure the adhesive padding on the cabinet stays in place
and is not peeling off. If necessary, replace the padding.
Make sure the speaker wire from the cabinet is connected to the
loudspeaker terminals.
If necessary, arrange the acoustic insulation so that the loud-
speaker fits the cabinet.
Connect the grill to the front of the cabinet, making sure that the
wires are kept out of the way.
Secure the cabinet from the rear side with the 6 screws pro-
This product contains lead in solder and certain electrical parts contain chemicals
which are known to the state of California to cause cancer, birth defects or other
reproductive harm.
Health & Safety Code Section 25249.6 ­ Proposition 65
( Front , Rear Speaker )
The loudspeaker is attached to the cabinet by 4 external screws.
To detach it, unfasten those screws.
When replacing the loudspeaker, make sure it is positioned so
that the wire terminals are oriented at the opposite side from the
Pioneer logo on the grill, then secure it with the 4 screws pro-
Make sure the adhesive padding on the cabinet stays in place
and is not peeling off. If necessary, replace the padding.
Make sure the speaker wire from the cabinet is connected to the
loudspeaker terminals.
If necessary, arrange the acoustic insulation so that the loud-
speaker fits the cabinet.
Connect the grill to the front of the cabinet.
Secure the cabinet from the rear side with the 4 screws pro-


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