SENNHEISER AC 3000 Owner's Manual

Cover page of SENNHEISER AC 3000 Owner's Manual

Owner's Manual for SENNHEISER AC 3000, downloadable as a PDF file.

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  • Immediate download after payment.
  • Delivered as a PDF file.
  • The manual has 14 pages
  • File size: 0.78 MB
  • Available language versions: English
  • Different language versions may vary sligthly in file size and page count.

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Sample pages

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Thumbnail of page 9
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Instructions for use
Notice d`emploi
Istruzioni per l`uso
Instrucciones para el uso
AC 3000
Active Transmitter Combiner 8:1 Seite 1 Donnerstag, 6. April 2006 1:59 13
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Instructions for use
Notice d`emploi
Istruzioni per l`uso
Instrucciones para el uso
AC 3000
Active Transmitter Combiner 8:1 Seite 1 Donnerstag, 6. April 2006 1:59 13
background image Seite 2 Donnerstag, 6. April 2006 1:59 13
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Instructions for useAC 3000
Active Transmitter Combiner 8:1 Seite 1 Donnerstag, 6. April 2006 1:59 13
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Brief description .................................................................... 2
Safety instructions ............................................................... 2
Delivery includes ................................................................... 4
Operating elements .............................................................. 4
Connection diagram ............................................................. 5
Putting the unit into operation .......................................... 5
Operation ................................................................................ 7
Troubleshooting .................................................................... 7
Accessories ............................................................................. 8
Specifications ......................................................................... 8
Manufacturer declarations .................................................. 9
Brief description
With the AC 3000 8-to-1 active transmitter combiner, the signals
of up to eight SR 3054 transmitters or up to four SR 3056 twin
transmitters can be combined onto a single antenna (A 2003 UHF
directional antenna or A 1031 U omni-directional antenna).
The active transmitter combiner allows you to make high-
quality transmission systems with up to 8 channels.
Areas of application:
Multi-channel in-ear monitoring system for broadcast or stage use
Multi-channel system suitable for any application where talk-back
signals are to be transmitted (e.g. studio)
Safety instructions
Overheating or overvoltages (caused by lightning striking the
mains supply etc.) can cause units with a mains connection to
catch fire!
Always set up the unit in a well-ventilated place! Make sure that
the air vents of the unit are not covered or blocked! Never stack
more than two units directly one above the other! Do not set up
the unit near any heat sources and never expose the unit to Seite 2 Donnerstag, 6. April 2006 1:59 13
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direct sunlight (see page 15)! Use an overvoltage protection
or, during a thunderstorm, disconnect the unit from the mains!
If you open units or use damaged mains cables, you can
receive a dangerous electric shock!
Never open the unit and only use undamaged mains cables!
If a unit should be defective, repair must be carried out by
authorized personnel! If units are opened by you in breach
of this instruction, the warranty becomes null and void.
If units and cables are set up improperly, persons can be
injured or units can be damaged!
Set up the unit on an even surface or mount it into a rack!
Lay the cables in such a way that no-one can stumble over
If liquids or small parts which conduct electricity find their
way into the interior or to the sockets of the unit, this can
cause a short-circuit which may damage the unit!
Keep liquids and small parts which conduct electricity away
from the unit! Use a damp cloth for cleaning the unit. Do not
use any solvents or cleansing agents!
The AC 3000 contains mechanically moving parts (fans).
Since dust and pollution can impair their function, you should
regularly check the fans for proper operation and clean out
any dust if necessary. The failure of one or several fans can
cause overheating and permanent damage to the unit. Seite 3 Donnerstag, 6. April 2006 1:59 13


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