Safety information ......................................................... 3
Delivery includes ............................................................. 3
Operating elements ........................................................ 4
Connection diagram ....................................................... 5
Trouble shooting ............................................................. 9
Accessories .................................................................... 10
Specifications ................................................................ 11
Manufacturer declarations ......................................... 12
Brief description
With the 2 x 1:8 active antenna splitter, up to eight recei-
vers (EM 3031) or twin receivers (EM 3032, EM 3532) can
be operated with only one pair of diversity antennas.
Each diversity section is fitted with a wideband input
module which can be exchanged for a selective input
module. Due to the built-in antenna boosters, the signals
are routed without loss the the connected receivers.
The active antenna splitter allows you to make receiver
systems with up to 16 channels.
Areas of application:
Multi-channel RF installations (fixed or mobile)
Permanent installations in small conference centres and
similar venues